Motor, propeller efficiency is calculated by dividing thrust by power, which is gram per watt (g/W). The higher g/W, the more thrust is generated at a given amount of energy. For example when I am using the Cobra 2204 1960KV motors, I know 6045 props gives me tons of power, but I will get longest flight time, by using 5030 props because of the highest efficiency.
Here is a guide on how to choose propellers and motors.
Also balancing your propellers can increase your flight time too. Unbalanced propellers introduce vibration to your aircraft, not only it uses more energy trying to stabilize it, energy is also wasted on friction between propeller and air.
Motor Braking – ESC Active Braking (or AKA Damped Light)
Active Braking or Damped light is a feature in some ESC firmware, which actively reduces the speed of motor as oppose to slowed down by the air resistance.
Check out this post about Active Braking (end of the post).
With Active braking your multicopter would feel more responsive, which is great for precise flying, racing, and crazy acro moves. However it also uses more power, and therefore shorter flight time for you.
Flight Mode
Although not a very big deal, but flight mode does affect flight time too! Here I mainly refer to Rate mode (AKA manual mode or acro mode) and Self-Level mode (AKA Angle/Horizon mode). To find out the difference, check out this post.
Self-level mode is fantastic, because it helps your control by attempting to keep the quadcopter level. However as it constantly trying to fight with changes of craft attitude, the motors speed are changing very rapidly too. This will uses more energy.
Rate mode doesn’t correct the change of attitude as hard as self-level mode, so in theory it’s more power efficient.
PID tuning!
Just like what we have mentioned above, vibrating aircraft uses more energy. A well tuned, smooth, and stable multicopter is more efficient and gives you longer flight time.
Wind causes instability to the quadcopter, and the motors have to work harder to correct the errors to stay level. This means that flying in the windy condition uses up battery faster than flying in calm conditions.
LED, FPV Gear? (Electrical Power usage)
Some might wonder how much LED and FPV gear contributes to the falling of flight time, in terms of power usage. In fact it’s not a lot! (although they do also add weight to the copter and decrease flight time, but we are not discussing it here).
LEDs used on multicopters generally only draw 20mA of current, so even at 5V, the power is only 0.1W each LED. If you have 10 LEDs let’s say, that’s 1W in total.